- Verb-Noun Combinations in Machine Translation
(Bill Niven, University of Aberdeen)
- The Pragmatics of Slang
(Anthony Lodge, University of St Andrews)
- Towards a unified account of adjectival agreement in
(Jane Shelton, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Unstressed a and ai in the Gothic Class III Weak Verbs
(Julian Skinner, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Coveney, Aidan: Variability in Spoken French. A Sociolinguistic Study of Interrogation and Negation.
(Nigel Armstrong, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Biber, Douglas, 1995: Dimensions of Register Variation. A Cross-Linguistic Comparison.
(Nigel Armstrong, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Wittven, Andreas: Infotainment. Fernsehnachrichten zwischen Information und Unterhaltung.
(Hugh Dauncey, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Hawkins, Eric (ed.): 30 years of language teaching.
(Hugh Dauncey, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Laver, John: The Gift of Speech.
(Patrick Honeybone, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Barnbrook, Geoff: Language and Computers: A Practical Introduction to the Computer Analysis of Language.
(Francis Jones, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Anagnostopoulou, Elena, Henk van Riemsdijk, and Frans Zwarts (eds): Materials on Left Dislocation.
Nils Langer, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Johnson, Sally A.: Gender, group identity and variation in the Berlin vernacular: a
sociolinguistic study.
(Jim Milroy, University of Michigan)
- Lavatori, Gerard Ponziano: Language and Money in Rabelais.
(Ian Morrison, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Gutknecht, Christoph and Lutz J. Rölle: Translating by Factors.
(Bill Niven, University of Aberdeen)
- Taylor, Jill: Sound Evidence: Speech Communities
and Social Accents in Aix-en-Provence.
(Stephen F. Noreiko, University of Hull)
- Yule, George: The Study of Language.
(Alan Smith, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Pfeffer, J. Alan and Garland Cannon: German Loanwords in English. An historical dictionary.
(Jonathan West, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Beaton, K. B.: A Practical Dictionary of German Usage.
(Jonathan West, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Nerbonne, John, Klaus Netter, and Carl Pollard (eds): German in Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar.
(Jonathan West, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Gutknecht, Christoph: Lauter böhmische Dörfer. Wie die Wörter zu ihrer Bedeutung kamen. Lauter spitze Zungen. Geflügelte Worte und ihre Geschichte.
(Jonathan West, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
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Many thanks. Last update on 27 November 1997.
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