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Appendix A: The Words
Appendix B: The Speakers
Appendix C: The Questions<br>
Précieux (snob, poétique, désuet) | Soutenu (littéraire) | Courant (commercial, public, administratif) | Familier (privé, populaire) | Argotique (snob, jeune, vulgaire) |
Le chef. | La tête. | La figure. | La bobine, la bouille, la binette, la caboche, la bille. | La gueule, la tronche, la trombine, la margoulette. |
Un mortel. | Un homme. | Un individu. | Un typ, un gars, un pékin, un zèbre. | Un mec, un gonze, un zig, un gazier. |
Cocasse. | Amusant. | Drôle. | Rigolo, tordant, gondolant, fendant. | Marrant, bidonnant, poilant, à s'tap'. |
Le véhicule. | L'automobile. | La voiture. | L'auto, la bagnole. | La tire, la caisse. |
Il chuta. | Il tomba. vIl est tombé. | Il s'est cassé la figure, il a pris un billet de parterre. | Il s'est cassé la gueule, il a ramassé une gamelle. | |
Qu'il manque d'intelligence! | Qu'il est sot! | Qu'il est bête! | Quel idiot! Quel crétin! | Quelle andouille! Quel couillon! Quel cul! Quel con! |
Il est béni des dieux. | Il est né sous une bonne étoile. | Il a de la chance. | Il a de la veine, il a du pot. | Il a du bol, du cul, il est beurré, il l'a bordé de nouilles. |
Il fair preuve de pusillanimité. | Il est rempli de crainte. | Il a peur. | Il a la frousse, il se dégonfle, il panique. | Il a la trouille, les chocottes, les jetons, les grelots, le trouillomètre à zéro. |
Tu m'agaces. | Tu me fatigues. | Tu m'ennuies. | Tu m'embêtes, tu me fais suer, tu m'enquiquines. | Fais chier, tu me mes casses, tu m'emmerdes. |
Suffit! | Assez! | Par-dessus la tête! | Plein de dos! | Ras-le-bol! Plein le cul! Y en a marre. |
English etymology would no doubt place vocabulary labelled fam., pop. and vulg. in French under the general heading "slang". The term argot has passed into English, argot being distinguishable from slang by being more secret, less public, less generally available and, of course, "less respectable" (see Edwards 1976:23 and Spence 1986). Slang and argot possess low social value, but does this mean that they are not linguistically important? It seems to me that slang has a highly significant role to play in the linguistic life of the community, perhaps more so in French than in many other European languages. I would relate this to the rigid codification of the French standard language, which has one effect quite different from the one intended -- it triggers a proliferation of non-standard forms. These "deviant" forms cannot realistically be ignored by linguists concerned to describe the language as she is spoken.
George (1996) demonstrates brilliantly the interest contained in the morphology of contemporary French slang, but the semantics and pragmatics of slang also deserve our attention and have been conspicuously neglected in the past. This paper focuses on these aspects of the topic, following the chronological development of my own ideas:
bull; the traditional approach to non-standard vocabulary;
bull; a sociolinguistic approach -- Clermont Ferrand, and
bull; a pragmatic approach -- politeness theory.
The traditional approach to slang and argot is best exemplified in the general dictionaries of French like Larousse and Robert. An essential function of dictionaries is, of course, to standardize and control linguistic usage, suppressing variation by identifying the respectable words, by excluding the most disreputable ones, and by corralling the rest into high-fenced pens from which they shall not stray (see Rey 1972). Dictionaries are expected to provide a "prescriptive taxonomy" of lexical terms -- a set of neat word-boxes, ranked into a hierarchy of good (le bon français) and bad (le français non conventionnel):
Let me emphasize that there is nothing wrong with dictionaries making prescriptive judgments of this sort -- linguistic norms are part and parcel of any standard language and part of the lexicographer's job is to codify them. Standardizing usage is an entirely legitimate function of dictionaries. However, it is desirable that readers realize that the norms being imposed are artificial and conventional, and not somehow inherent in the linguistic system itself.
Given the nature of the style-boxes found in French dictionaries, we should not be surprised to find disagreement between lexicographers over the label to be attached to particular words (see Müller 1985 and Désirat and Hordé 1976). Even the best of the French dictionaries, the Petit Robert, runs into difficulties when it comes to defining the basis of the style labels it allocates to non-standard words:
arg. = mot d'argot, emploi argotique limité à un milieu particulier, surtour professionel (arg. scol. = argot scolaire), mais inconnu du grand public. Pour les mots d'argot passés dans le langage courant voir pop.Three of these definitions run into serious difficulties as soon as we confront them with our experience of how native speakers use the words bearing these labels. Most of the words labelled arg. in the Petit Robert are entirely connu du grand public; many personnes bien élevées use vulg. words quite frequently; most of the words labelled pop. are often in the mouths of people from a milieu social élevé. Only the fam. label bears a strong relationship with real usage.e.g. gonzesse, pèze tire.vulg. = mot, sens ou emploi choquant (souvent familier (= fam.) ou populaire (pop.)), qu'on ne peut employer entre personnes bien élevées, quelle due soit leur classe soiale.e.g. con, merdier.pop. =qualifie un mot ou un sens courant dans la langue parlée des milieux populaires (souvent ancient argot répandu) qui ne s'empoierait pas dans un milieu social élevé.e.g. baffe, baratin.fam. = usage parlé même écrit de la langue quotidienne: conversation etc., mais ne s'emploierait pas dans les circonstances solonnelles.e.g. se balader, blague.
The main problem with the traditional style-labels (apart from the fact that they appear to have fossilized in the 17th century is that they are geared less to style than to a primitive form of sociology: they are based in the main on speech habits attributed conventionally to particular groups in French society. e.g.
le bon français = la bourgeoisie cultivée du Paris
le fr. pop. = le peuple de Paris
l"argot = le Milieu
le patois = la paysannerie, etc.
What we have here is a set of crude sociolinguistic stereotypes, built into a highly conservative model of French society. In fairness, I should add that the 1996 edition of the Nouveau Petit Robert has modified the definition of some of its style labels, reducing the sociological reference. I am indebted to Dr. P. Bennett of Edinburgh University who drew this to my attention.
U.P | L. | ||
Cadres supereiurs / Professions libérales (7) | 72.1 | 57.2 | |
II | Cadres moyens (12) | 65.3 | 43.7 |
III | Employés (10) | 88.0 | 85.1 |
IV | Ouvriers / Personnel de service (6) | 74.3 | 69.8 |
(i) The closeness of the slang scores in the highest and lowest social groups in their answer to Question 1.(ii) The tendency of the cadres moyens to give themselves the lowest slang score. This correlates with their linguistic insecurity and their tendency to hypercorrection (cf. the "l.m.c." group in Graph 1).
(iii) The tendency of the upper groups to style-shift more markedly than the lower groups between their usage with intimates and their usage with strangers.
bouquin | 167 | fam. |
balader | 152 | fam. |
marre | 152 | fam. |
marrant | 147 | pop. |
blague | 139 | fam. |
flic | 134 | pop. |
boulot | 132 | fam. |
chouette | 131 | pop. |
moche | 124 | fam. |
rigolo | 119 | fam. |
trouille | 119 | pop. |
dingue | 116 | fam. |
bosser | 115 | pop. |
costaud | 115 | fam. |
pagaie | 113 | fam. |
gaffe | 110 | pop. |
esquinter | 107 | fam. |
toubib | 106 | fam. |
frousse | 103 | pop. |
bagnoie | 94 | fam./pop. |
fric | 94 | pop. |
fringues | 91 | fam. |
bousiller | 86 | fam. |
baratin | 85 | pop. |
cramer | 84 | pop. |
roupiller | 84 | fam. |
bouffer | 79 | fam. |
con | 79 | fam./vulg. |
mec | 78 | pop. |
bahut | 76 | arg. des écoles |
baffe | 75 | pop. |
dégueulasse | 75 | vulg. |
pognon | 74 | pop. |
pompes | 74 | pop. |
frangin | 71 | pop. |
godasse | 71 | pop. |
piaule | 61 | pop. |
foutre | 60 | vulg. |
nana | 60 | pop. |
pif | 55 | pop. |
merdier | 51 | vulg. |
pieu | 51 | pop. |
tifs | 50 | pop. |
chiottes | 40 | pop. |
clope | 43 | pop. |
couillon | 43 | très fam. |
gonzesse | 39 | vulg. |
pouffiasse | 36 | vulg. |
pèze | 33 | arg. |
tire | 26 | arg. |
However, the limitations of the exercise cannot be disguised. Firstly, the survey bore upon perceived use rather than actual use and it remains to be seen whether the results would have been different had I gathered hours of recordings waiting for the same sample of speakers to come up with the relevant words at home or in the railway carriage. Lexical analyses of largeish corpora of spoken French suggest that the results would not be completely different, but a reliable experiment to demonstrate this scientifically remains to be devised.
Second, the survey treated lexical pairs in the list as if they were genuine sociolinguistic variables, in other words, as if they were items sharing denotative meaning whose incidence varies according to the social origins of the speaker and according to speech style. This is no doubt the case with phonological and morphological variables, but it is less clear whether lexical variables can be treated in the same way. The difficulty here is that, if we wish to claim that pairs of words like voiture and bagnole mean the same thing we have to restrict our notion of "meaning" very severely. The words in this pair undoubtedly have the same reference (or denotational / propositional meaning), but bagnole additionally carries a pejorative connotation not present in voiture. If the variants in question have a different meaning, however slight, it is always possible to claim that a speaker's selection of one variant rather than the other is determined semantically rather than sociolinguistically, and we cease to be comparing like with like. As a speaker shifts style, is he not at the same time also changing the meaning of the message? By "meaning", I do not mean here simply the denotational or propositional meaning of the utterance, I include also the affective, connotational meanings which are conveyed at the same time. In informal situations, the messages we want to convey are different from those we wish to convey in formal situations (see Levandera 1978). The dimension of meaning reveals the limits of the quantitative Labovian paradigm. By contrast, when we move to the lexical level, style-shifting has to be seen as qualitative as well (see Stewart 1995:212-4).
Third, my survey showed that certain categories of speaker and certain situations favour the use of non-standard vocabulary more than others. However, Labovian methods provide no evidence about why this should be. In other words, they reveal no information about the function of non-standard vocabulary in our everyday interactions. When we start asking questions about the communicative function of utterances in specific real-world contexts, we are moving into the realm of linguistic pragmatics.
It seems to me that, while the observation of these features in colloquial vocabulary is entirely accurate, there has to be a more powerful explanation for them than the one Guiraud proposes. It is grotesque to suggest that it is only the vocabulary of uneducated speakers which exhibits these characteristics. A better explanatory model seems to me to be provided by the pragmatics of Brown and Levinson's theory of politeness.
Our negative face is our desire to protect ourselves from imposition and to maintain our freedom of action. Our positive face is our desire to be accepted and appreciated by our interlocutors. All conversational encounters, such as requests, orders, reminders, threats, and warnings, involve risks to the "face" of the participants. Speakers' attempts to preserve "face" are seen in complex politeness strategies, designed to keep the interaction running smoothly.
Negative politeness strategies involve pandering to the negative face of our interlocutor. They can be summed up in the words "Don't presume!", in other words behaviour designed not to encroach on the personal space and the intimacy of the person addressed. This will involve the use of linguistic forms which protect the other person by interposing distance between the participants in the dialogue, which express deference, maximize the dignity and power of the other person, and which tend towards elf-effacement of the speaker. They will also tend to maximize the seriousness of the matter in hand, that is the gravity of our encroachment on the other's personal space.
The mechanisms of negative politeness are to be found most fully at work in the formulae of formal letter-writing conventions in French:
"Veuillez croire, Monsieur le Directeur, à L'expression de mes sentiments les plus distingués ..."
or (when writing to the Pope) (Chaffurin 1954:15-16):
Prosterné aux pieds de Votre Sainteté et implorant
Positive politeness strategies involve pandering to the positive face of the interlocutor. They can be summed up in the words "Presume as much as you like!" because both parties want to share their space and cooperate on equal terms. Here it is the ethic of solidarity, not that of power and deference, which predominates. It would be regarded as unfriendly in these circumstances to use linguistic forms marking social distance and a power difference between the speakers. It would be uncooperative to stand on one's dignity.
Politeness theory predicts that linguistic forms expressing positive politeness will therefore have four main features.
First, they will tend to belittle the gravity of the topics being discussed and will often be jokey and irreverent.
Second, they will refer quite freely to topics pertaining to the intimacy of the addressee, e.g. money, bodily functions and sex.
Third, they will claim in-group membership with the interlocutor by assuming shared knowledge and using familiar, in-group vocabulary. There will be no need to spell everything out, as the interlocutors will know what is being referred to, so elliptical forms will be entirely appropriate.
Fourth, people will wish to carry this affirmation of in-group solidarity further by developing their own members-only vocabulary with the express intention of distinguishing members of the group from those outside. This would involve repeated generation of new items to enable core members of the group to remain constantly ahead of the game, hence the proliferation of séries synonymiques and lexical codes like verlan with the creation ad infinitum of new lexical forms for in-group use. Argot is a form of deviance, a gesture of defiance against the straight world. Crooks may or may not have recourse to such strategies, but tot suggest that they are its principal perpetrators is absurd.
We can see from this list of the linguistic exponents of positive politeness that they correspond closely to the characteristics Guiraud noted as being present in French colloquial vocabulary and which he attributed essentially to lower-class speakers. As we saw in Clermont-Ferrand, the "working classes" are not the only ones who use colloquial vocabulary. Upper class speakers commonly use in their own informal style linguistic forms which they attribute to lower social groups. Slang is a common resource available to all speakers. Register (or speech situation) is a much more basic determinant of their use than the dialect (social origins) of the speaker (see Finnegan and Biber 1994).
I went on to show that the methods of Labovian sociolinguistics can reveal certain interesting correlations between use of colloquial vocabulary and speaker variables like age and sex, and, up to a point, social class. It emerged that speech situation (register) is probably a more basic determinant of vernacular use than the social origins of the speaker (dialect).
Labovian sociolinguistics cannot provide all the answers, however. It is in fact of very little help when it comes to understanding the social function of this part of the lexicon. For this we have to look beyond Labovian sociolinguistics to pragmatics. Here I believe politeness theory has real help to offer, for colloquial vocabulary seems to play a central role in positive politeness strategies.
There is, however, a twist in the tail in this demolition of traditional approaches to slang: it is clear, when we look at Labov's graphs, that the association of vernacular speech forms with less educated speakers is by no means gratuitous. It was B. Bernstein in the 1970s who probed deeply into the relationship between language and social class, particularly in the sphere of education. Bernstein (1974) drew a distinction between "elaborated" and "restricted" codes, the former being explicit and universalistic use of language, the latter being implicit and context-bound. He argued that by their lifestyle and social network patterns, middle class speakers have greater access to elaborated code than working class speakers who remain ore or less limited to restricted code. Bernstein's "Language Deficit Hypothesis" maintained that differential access to elaborated code helps explain the lower achievement of working-class children in schools. Since schooling is conducted primarily in elaborated code, middle-class pupils by their home background have an unbeatable start in the education race from the very beginning.
It seems to me that Bernstein's distinction between elaborated and restricted codes is somewhat analogous to Brown and Levinson's theory of politeness: the distinction can be assigned to negative-politeness versus positive-politeness preferences in linguistic expression. Moreover, Brown and Levinson suggest (1987:246) that in complex societies dominated social groups have positive politeness cultures; dominating groups have negative politeness cultures. So maybe the traditional subjective association of slang with the workers has some foundation in empirical reality after all.
Brown, P. and S. Levinson, 1987. Politeness. Some Universals of Language Usage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Chaffurin, L., 1954. Le Parfait Secrétaire. Paris: Larousse.
Coveney, A., 1996. Variability in Spoken French. A Sociolinguistic Study of Interrogation and Negation. Exeter: Elm Bank Publications.
Désirat, C. and T. Hordé, 1976. La Langue française au XXe siècle. Paris: Bordas.
Edwards, A. D., 1976. Language in Culture and Class. London: Heinemann.
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Müller, B., 1985. Le Français d'aujourd'hui. Paris: Klincksieck.
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vPetit Robert. Dictionnaire alphabétique et analogique de la langue française. Paris: Société du Nouveau Littré, 1968.
Rey, A., 1972. Usages, jugements et prescriptions linguistiques. Langue française 16:4-28.
Sainéan, L. 1912. Les Sources de l'argot ancien. Paris: Champion.
Spence, N. C. W., 1986. French argot and English slang. French Studies 40:257-268.
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von Wartburg, W., 1962. Évolution et structure de la langue française. Berne: Francke. (8th edn.)
Wheeler, M., forthcoming. 'Politeness' and sociolinguistic theory. Folia Linguistica.
4.0 The pragmatics of colloquial vocabulary
The insights gained by pragmatics into the way language functions in real-world interactions has not yet been fully brought to bear upon our understanding of French colloquial vocabulary. The person who has published most prolifically on French slang is P. Guiraud, but his pragmatics does not seem to be to be particularly well grounded theoretically.4.1 Guiraud
In his widely read books on argot and français populaire in the Que Sais-Je? series (1973, 1978), Pierre Guiraud expresses his ideas fairly specifically about why people use slang. In line with the dominant French tradition, he instinctively attributes this vocabulary to low-status groups in French society and to their peculiar communicative needs. He constructs his whole explanatory model around the psychology of a pair of rather comical social stereotypes -- the Parisian working man (= fr. pop.) and the petty Parisian crook (= argot). He finds it impossible to resist a knee-jerk middle-class reaction to criminalize the working classes (les classes dangereuses after all).
Guiraud's books reveal a number of interesting tendencies in colloquial vocabulary, but his attempts to explain them are disastrous. I will focus on four of this observations.
The first is the tendency of colloquial vocabulary to present objects in an emotional, pejorative, or jocular way, e.g. pif, bagnole. Guiraud explains this with reference partly to the working man's lack of education, his naiveté, his affectivité (1978:83-4), and partly to his rather cynical view of life -- he talks about the dégradation des valeurs triggered by the wretched conditions of the working man's existence.
The second is the tendency of colloquial vocabulary to proliferate terms in particular semantic fields like sex, various body parts and money. Guiraud explains this with reference to the working man's preoccupation with the basics of life and his inability to lift his sight to more lofty concerns, his permanent tendency towards la concrétisation de l'abstrait, his incapacité à abstraire (1973:47). He asserts that "l'obscénité du bas-langage s'explique par des conditions de vie enfoncée dans la matière (1973:45).
The third is la troncation, the tendency of colloquial vocabulary to proliferate elliptical terms like psycho, prolo, télé, ciné (1973:75, 83). Guiraud explains this with reference to the working man's fundamental laziness, and his consequent refusal to spend the necessary intellectual and articulatory effort making his message explicit (1978:96). Here, Guiraud is expressing a social attitude widely held, even among the most respected of traditional linguists. For example, von Wartburg (1962:176) writes about the developments of French in the 17th century (my italics):
Les sentiers sinueux d'un esprit parfois quelque peu embrouillé [XVIe s.] font place aux large avenues taillées par une pensée conduite avec une logique impeccable [XVIIe s.]. Le résultat est une simplification très sensible de la langue. Un pareil développement ne peut pas partir des classes inférieures du peuple. Celui-ci n'a pas l'habitude de l'effort intellectuel. A une époque comme celle du XVIIe siècle les forces directrices de la nation se concentrent dans les cercles des "honnêtes gens".
The fourth is the tendency of slang to be constantly creating new items, with large numbers of "séries synonymiques", with language codes like locherbem, javanais and verlan generating a constantly renewed stream of parasitic lexemes. Guiraud explains this (1973:66) with reference to the long tradition of crooks in the Parisian underworld (going back via Cartouche to Villon and the Coquillards in the 15th century. Outlaw groups naturally require a secret lexicon which always manages to stay one step ahead of the police.4.2 Politeness theory
Brown and Levinson's theory derives from work on conversational interaction in the 1960s by Ervin Goffman. In conversational exchanges a central concern of the participants is the preservation of "face", both their own and their interlocutor's. Our "face" is our public self-image and, according to Brown and Levinson, it comes in two varieties -- our negative face and our positive face.
la faveur de sa bénédiction apostolique,
j'ai l'honneur d'être,
Très Saint Père,
avec la plus profonde vénération
de votre Sainteté,
le très humble et très obéissant serviteur et fils.5 Conclusion
In this paper I have tried to show that colloquial vocabulary in French deserves a fuller investigation than that offered by traditional approaches. These tend to be prescriptive and taxonomic rather than descriptive and explanatory. They tend also to see variation in the lexicon as reflecting primarily divisions of social class, ascribing in a rather crude way high-value items to the upper classes and low-value, vernacular ones to the uncultivated masses.
Bernstein, B., 1974. Class, Codes and Social Control. Vol. I: Theoretical Studies towards a Sociology of Language. 2nd edn. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Appendix A: The WORDS
baffe | pop. | "gifle" |
bagnoie | fam./pop. | "automobile" |
bahut | arg. des écoles | "lycée" |
balader | fam. | "se promener" |
baratin | pop. | "discours abondant" |
blague | fam. | "farce" |
bosser | pop. | "travailler" |
bouffer | fam. | "manger" |
boulot | fam. | "travail" |
bouquin | fam. | "livre" |
bousiller | fam. | "endommager" |
chiottes | pop. | "toilettes" |
chouette | pop. | "beau" |
clope | pop. | "cigarette" |
con | fam./vulg. | "stupide" |
costaud | fam. | "solide" |
couillon | très fam. | "imbécile" |
cramer | pop. | "brûler" |
dégueulasse | vulg. | "dégoûtant" |
dingue | fam. | "fou" |
esquinter | fam. | "abimer" |
flic | pop. | "agent de police" |
foutre | vulg. | "faire" |
frangin(e) | pop. | "frère / soeur" |
fric | pop. | "argent" |
fringues | fam. | "vêtements" |
frousse | pop. | "peur" |
(faire) gaffe | pop. | "attention" |
godasse | pop. | "soulier" |
gonzesse | vulg. | "fille" |
marrant | pop. | "amusant" |
(en avoir) marre | fam. | "être excédé" |
mec | pop. | "individu quelqounque" |
merdier | vulg. | "grand désordre" |
moche | fam. | "laid" |
nana | pop. | "femme, fille" |
pagaie | fam. | "désordre" |
pèze | arg. | "argent" |
piaule | pop. | "chambre" |
pieu | pop. | "lit" |
pif | pop. | "nez" |
pognon | pop. | "argent" |
pompes | pop. | "chaussures" |
pouffiasse | vulg. | "femme épaisse vulgaire" |
rigolo | fam. | "amusant" |
roupiller | fam. | "dormir" |
tifs | pop. | "cheveux" |
tire | arg. | "voiture" |
toubib | fam. | "médecin" |
trouille | pop. | "peur" |
Socio-professional category | no. of informants |
0 Agriculteurs exploitants | 0 |
1 Salariés agricoles | 0 |
2 Patrons de l'industrie et du Commerce | 1 |
3 Cadres supérieurs, professions libérales | 7 |
4 Cadres moyens | 12 |
5 Employés | 10 |
6 Ouvriers | 4 |
7 Personnel de service | 2 |
8 Autres actifs | 0 |
9 Personnes non actives | 34 |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Jamais | Rarement | Souvent | Très Souvent |