Fischer, Klaus, 1997:

German-English Verb Valency. A Constrastive Analysis.

Tübingen, Narr. (Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, 422.) Pp. xix+335.
ISBN 3-8233-5087-0. DM 78.-.

reviewed by

Jonathan West

Department of German Studies, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU
Copyright Notice:

First published in Web Journal of Modern Language Linguistics. © 2000 Jonathan West.
The moral rights of the author(s) to be identified as author(s) of this work are asserted in accordance with §§.77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. This work may be reproduced without the consent of the author, in part or in whole in any manner and in any medium subject only to the two following conditions:
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German-English Verb Valency is a contrastive analysis of the dependency structures of German and English verbs. This is a timely publication, as interest in valency is growing for two reasons. First, we have a growing recognition on the part of syntacticians of the importance of what they call subcategorization frames (see e.g. Ouhalla 1994:36-38). Second, dependency grammarians are beginning to turn their attention to English once more (a conference on valency in English and German is planned for September 2001 - contact,, This interest is not new. Pioneering work was done by Emons (1974, 1978), Allerton (1982), and Hickey (1980), always inspired by work in German, but it has always been submerged by the flood of publications in what its adherents are pleased to call the main stream.


Emons, R., 1974. Valenzen einglischer Prädikatsverben. Tübingen: Niemeyer. Emons, R., 1978. Valenzgrammatik für das Englisch. Eine Einführung. Tübingen: Niemeyer. (Anglistische Arbeitshefte, 16.) Hawkins, J. A., 1986. A Comparative Typology of English and German. Unifying the Contrasts.London: Croom Helm. Ouhalla, Jamal, 1994. Introducing Transformational Grammar. From Rules to Principles and Parameters. London: Arnold.
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