ISSUE 4-5 (1999-2000)
- Verb valency - an attempt at conceptual clarification.
(Klaus Fischer, London Guildhall University)
- The representation of compounds and phrases in the mental lexicon: evidence from Chinese
(Yi-ching Su, University of Maryland)
- Hedging your bets - the use of yo in face-to-face interaction
(Miranda Stewart, Strathclyde University)
- Answering back in Old High German
(John Flood, University of London)
- The Expression of Passive Sense in Non-Finite Forms in
English and German
(John Partridge, University of Kent)
- The relevance of corpora to German studies.
(Bill Dodd, University of Birmingham)
- Lamy, Marie-Noëlle: The Cambridge French-English Thesaurus)
(Nigel Armstrong, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Duffy, Jean: Using French Vocabulary
(Nigel Armstrong, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Radford, Andrew, Martin Atkinson, David Britain, Harald Clahsen and Andrew Spencer: Linguistics: An Introduction
(Helen Wright, St Edward's School, Oxford)
- L'Huillier, Monique: Advanced French Grammar
(Jean-Marc Dewaele & Penny Sewell, Birkbeck College, University of London)
- Fischer, Klaus: German-English Verb Valency. A Contrastive Analysis
(Jonathan West, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Gross, Harro: Einführung in die germanistische Linguistik. Neu bearbeitet von Klaus Fischer
(Jonathan West, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Lalaire, Louis: La variation modale dans les subordonnées à temps fini du français moderne : approche syntaxique.
(Richard Wakely, University of Edinburgh)
- Broderick, George: Language death in the Isle of Man: an investigation into the decline and extinction of Manx Gaelic as a community language in the Isle of Man.
(Michelle Heanue, NUI, University College Dublin)
- Braidi, Susan M.The Acquisition of Second Language Syntax.
(Sharon Unsworth, University of Durham)
- Jones, William Jervis: German Lexicography in the European Context. A descriptive bibliography of printed dictionaries and word lists containing German language (1600-1700).
(Jonathan West, University of Newcastle)
- Jeffrey, Charlie and Ruth Whittle: Germany Today. A Student's Dictionary.
(Jonathan West, University of Newcastle)
- Green, D. H.: Language and history in the early Germanic world.
(Nicola McLelland, University of Dublin, Trinity College)
Please send reports of typos, etc. to
Last update on 23 December 2000.
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